Actor portraying:
Character Name: Anthony O'Neil
Age: 21
Date of Birth: July 21, 1991 (Reality),
Place of Birth: Joliet, Illinois (Reality),
Nationality: Irish, Scot-Irish, French, German, English, and a little bit Native American.
Abilities/ Powers and Personality:
In the World of Reality, he is just a normal guy, who goes through every day life and has no special abilities. He does know how to play the violin and sing. He is also an artist in many ways: sculpting, wire sculpting, character sketch artist, and photographer.
In the Imaginary World, he learns the ability to sword fight and take control and become a captain or leader of a group of people. He also has mystical powers later that he learns from the Creator (Josh's Character). Due to his depression, he can change his appearance to a swashbuckler captain to a skeleton-like depressed person, and then into a psychotic, mad person, who has the ability to use deadly force of magic to make people crazy, or deadly, as well as kill them. His personality is that he is very kind, some times shy, and he is outgoing. He can be depressing some times when he feels down. He doesn't consider himself a leader. He is funny and has a good head on his shoulders. As for his evil self, he is a crazy, mad pyscho asylum inmate, who would like nothing better to see his good self be killed and trapped in the asylum while listening his self-hatred thoughts.
Character Bio: He is a typical guy, who goes through every day life. His ex-girlfriend breakups and goes off with someone else, his job is going to let him go, and his mother is deteriorating from her bipolar disorder. He suffers depression and he some times has to take medication to help him. He is an artist, photographer (works for a newspaper company in the city as his main job), singer and actor (when he can get a job). Also, he knows how to speak a some languages and he even plays the violin. To his friends, he is family. To his family, he is loved but not really successful with his career choice.
he learns the ability to sword fight and take control and become a captain or leader of a group of people in order to join the mystical unknown person (Josh's character) against the evil that has taken over the Imaginary World and turned it from a place of happiness to a place of nightmares. But, he has an internal demon that has turned into a person in the Imaginary World. It is his depression: his psychotic and crazy, evil self. He must help save the worlds of Reality and Imaginary, and he has to take control over his depression, or else he will be consumed by the evil and make both worlds a living hell.
Character Reference Looks
Real World Looks:
Kind of like Peter Parker in a way
and Dave from Sorcerer's Apprentice
Imaginary World Looks:
Pirate Self Reference
Edward Scissorhands by Tim Burton
Evil Self Reference
The Mad Hatter from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Tim Burton version
More References from DeviantART folders.
Pirate Side Reference: http://violin100.deviantart.com/favourites/42505795
Goth Pirate Side Reference: http://violin100.deviantart.com/favourites/42505750
Evil Side Reference: http://violin100.deviantart.com/favourites/42505637
Costume Design and Picture:
Character Music Theme and Inspiration:
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